Director - Fran Sugawara
Camp Office Contact Information
Mailing Address (year round):
Box 1120
Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1V4
705-394-5959 (cell)
Site Location:
1124 CGIT Camp Road
Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1R3
Please note: There is no mail delivery to this address
Parents are encouraged to leave mail with staff on check-in for distribution to campers during the week, OR mail via CanadaPost the week ahead of their camper’s arrival.
Camp Map and Directions
We suggest you do not use Google or Yahoo maps directions. The directions below are simpler.
- North on Hwy. 11 past Gravenhurst for approx. 4.4 km.
- Turn right at exit #175 - and sign marked as #6 - Doe Lake Rd.
- Keep to the right and follow #6.
- Approx. 8-9 km. along, watch for where Muskoka Rd. #6 intersects with #20. Watch for the Ryde Lake Camp and Housey’s Rapids Road signs. You will be making a sharp right turn here.
- Continue for another 3-4 km. Along the way, sideroads are marked with municipal numbers for 911 service. Please note: our number is not in sequence.
- The camp road is on the right, marked with the #1124 and signs - "CGIT Camp Road" and "Ryde Lake Camp".
- NOTE: The actual camp road is narrow and windy, please drive with caution and watch for oncoming traffic.
Click here to download map with detailed directions.